What is CATS?
The Commercial Advancement Training Scheme (CATS) is a programme providing dual training to both school leavers and employees wanting to further their professional careers.
CATS is a registered section 21 company - not for gain. It is a private initiative by the Namibian industry and currently consists of 21 member companies.
CATS Diploma students are employed by one of the CATS member companies for two years. During this time they receive both practical and theoretical training. Practical training consists of on-the-job training at the company for four days a week, while another one and a half days are dedicated to theoretical training which is offered at NUST. On-the-job training means the trainee will rotate through different departments of the business under the guidance of a CATS mentor and supervisor. Theoretical training consists of education in business administration subjects by a training provider, currently the Namibia University of Science and Technology.
CATS Member Companies

CATS currently consists of various member companies. All member companies are well-known and established Namibian businesses oriented towards development and growth, and willing to invest in the future.
Why partner with CATS?

Invest in education to invest in the future!
Gain skilled and motivated employees, who are familiar with your company’s values!
Give talented but less privileged young people a chance at tertiary education!
Give your current employees a possibility to further their careers!
Join ranks with Namibia’s top players in the world of business!
CATS Students

The CATS students are well qualified and highly motivated grade 11 school leavers or mature candidates with work experience who meet the CATS entry requirements.
Why Choose CATS?

Learn while you earn!
Receive free theoretical education by a CATS training provider!
Be trained by one of Namibia’s best!
Couple theoretical with in-depth practical knowledge and experience!
Easily find employment after graduation!
students say:
See what some of our happy students have to say.

I would definitely recommend this program to any youth out there! The amount of experience gained with advantage of both practical and theory is a bonus! A great investment that has opened many doors for me.
Senovia Katjuru,
Trainee at Transworld Cargo
CATS is a very productive and efficient program. Knowledge and experience are broadened through theoretical and practical training this is one good reason why I chose to be part of the CATS program. I am now experienced in a variety of work departments at different levels.

Simeon Mueze,
Trainee at African Marketing
members say:
See what some of our member companies have to say.

The apprenticeship is an excellent start for young Namibians and enables the company to grow graduates within its ranks, making them integral employees of the team.
Manica Group Namibia
The combination of on-the-job training and theoretical learning gives youngsters the chance to implement the theoretical input in practice which makes a massive difference in the development of young professionals.

Transworld Cargo Logistics
We most definitely recommend this program as it not only assists us in filling vacant positions with our own well-trained CATS Students but collectively as a Namibian company we contributed to upskilling the youth of today as they are the ones who will carry not only our company but Namibia in the future!
Pupkewitz Motors Division
A message from the CATS Chairperson
“Our company has participated in the CATS programme since its 2005 beginnings and we continue to employ a large number of former CATS graduates. After the two year training period, the programme delivers employable junior staff who are familiar with the training company’s values and have the capacity to grow to middle management level.” - Trudi